First the grass was ploughed over and then a harrow was used to break up the clods of earth into a fine 'tilth' which gives seeds the best chance of growing.
Many people today no longer understand the process by which ground is prepared so food crops can be grown - and very few have seen it done with heavy working horses- so we attracted a lot of attention from Airfield's visitors.

So popular were these gentle giants on the day that Airfield has decided to have our working horses come back to this urban farm on a regular basis, which we will do returning with different types of heavy horses and equipment over the coming seasons to demonstrate traditional Irish farm practices.

The pair we used in September to plough, harrow and seed were Scottish Clydesdales, a 12 year old and a 9 year old, both geldings and 18.1 hands high.

Towering above the heads of the crowd - enthralled by the size and calmness of these magnificent horses - who were delighted in getting close enough to pet their massive heads.

Just to be in the company of horses has a positive and measurable effect on peoples' well being recognised throughout the world in non - riding equine programmes.

As the sheer size of heavy horses does seem to magnify this effect it can be a useful tool for educational purposes whether in demonstrating traditional agricultural practices or modern forestry techniques.

How we relate to our environment has never been more relevant than today, so practical demonstrations of our farm and work horse tradition is one way for urban children to understand how their rich rural heritage is linked to modern sustainable farming.
As not every child will be able to visit an urban farm any school interested in having us visit them with our heavy horses can contact me, and we will tailor make a memorable demonstration to fit into their science or history curriculums.