Shortest day of the year with the least light to get things done outside, and a welcome rest between logging contracts.
No better time to take stock and prepare for the coming season.
In our stable we have two young black Shires we are breaking in to meet the demands of our forestry, wedding and promotional work.
In the new year I will post details of their progress.
The Shire breed developed from different strains of heavy horse (noted for their sometimes excessive size, great breast, large muscular thighs and fairly short legs) bred throughout midland England, from the Fens in the east to Staffordshire in the west. Though there were many colours this breed was first called The Old English Black Horse until the name Shire was settled on in 1883.
The Shire breed developed from different strains of heavy horse (noted for their sometimes excessive size, great breast, large muscular thighs and fairly short legs) bred throughout midland England, from the Fens in the east to Staffordshire in the west. Though there were many colours this breed was first called The Old English Black Horse until the name Shire was settled on in 1883.